ACOLYTE ORDER OF ST. JOHN — The Acolyte Order of St. John was organized in March 1965, by Pastor Homer W. Berner. The goal of the Order is to involve members of the congregation, from 5th through 9th grade, in serving at worship as acolytes and crucifers. Through the years, those who have served as acolytes have gone on to serve the church in many capacities, from Sunday Church School teachers to Congregation Council members. The Order was originally organized as the L.H. Steinhof Chapter to honor the one time area President of the United Lutheran Church in America.
ALTAR GUILD — The Altar Guild is entrusted with the privilege of preparing the worship space for corporate worship. The overall goal of Altar Guild is to see that the worship space is kept beautiful and in good order both to glorify God and to provide a setting enabling the congregation to worship in a meaningful way. The privilege of serving God is shared among members with Pastor, liturgists, acolytes, ushers, and worship committee members.
They have three meetings a year at the church (the third Mondays of September, November and February), and a luncheon on a Saturday in May or June. New members are welcome at any time.
BUILDING AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE — The Building and Property Committee is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers who take care of the church campus. They do everything from repairing roof leaks, mowing the grass, and changing light bulbs to taking care of the day-to-day chores to make Saint Andrew’s a safe, clean and inviting place of ministry to happen. Committee members also answer the call for special work projects, including landscaping, completing outdoor areas, and our annual Spring Cleaning Day.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE — The mission of the Christian Education Committee is to provide opportunities for quality Christian education which insures growth in Christian discipleship, knowledge of scripture, and our theological tradition. This committee is responsible for the education of all individuals from baptism through the adult years, and includes providing programs for Adult Education, Confirmation (Affirmation of Baptism) which includes the Mentor Ministry, First Communion, Faith Stepping Stones, High School Bible Study, the Library, the Nursery, Sunday Church School, and Vacation Bible School.
DORCAS CIRCLE — The Dorcas Circle is a group that meets monthly to construct quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Twice a year, the quilts they make are shipped to needy people around the world. They also collect clothing and make health and school kits, which are sent out with the quilts. Everyone is welcome to join this group, no experience necessary.
FINANCE COMMITTEE — The Finance Committee meets regularly throughout the year to review our financial status, take action as necessary within the limitations of the approved budget and prior Congregation Council actions, and make recommendations to the Congregation Council on special programs and requirements.
HEALTH AND HEALING MINISTRY — Saint Andrew’s Health and Healing Ministry is an outreach program committed to promoting spiritual, physical and emotional health. It is rooted in our belief that God loves and cares for us and provides for healing through the Christian community.
Our goal is to reclaim the old tradition of the church to go out and heal, and to encourage the journey toward wholeness in body, mind and spirit, to the Glory of God.
HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE — The Human Resources Committee works to facilitate timely staff evaluations; establish guidelines for compensation, benefits and hiring; serve as a conduit for staff issues and help direct those issues appropriately; facilitate communications related expectations and accountability; and serve as a resource to the Congregation Council, Executive Committee, staff and congregation.
OUTREACH AND SOCIAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE — The Outreach and Social Ministry Committee is responsible for identifying and supporting outreach opportunities with the local and global communities. Special emphasis is placed on enabling members of the congregation to be active participants in the outreach of this congregation. The committee oversees the operation of those groups that are involved in Christian hospitality and ministry to those in need in the local and global communities. Our ministry responds to God’s call “to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8.
SHARED MINISTRY COMMITTEE — The Shared Ministry Committee’s main goal is to give members of the staff direct, personal support from the congregation. Each full-time member of the staff has a personal representative from within the congregation. The staff member’s representative is able to listen to both concerns from other members of the congregation as well as to support the staff member. The representative and the staff member are encouraged to get together on a recurring basis to identify any needs or issues to enhance the success of the staff member’s ministry. The committee comes together for fellowship and opportunity to discuss any issue that will increase or improve the effectiveness of the staff, either as an individual or as a team.
STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE — The Stewardship Committee is charged with the responsibility of directing the activities of the congregation related to the solicitation of resources in the form of time commitments and financial commitments. The committee provides education of the use of funds generously shared by members and friends of Saint Andrew’s and is involved in the conduct of the annual pledge campaign for through year-around stewardship education
WORSHIP AND MUSIC COMMITTEE — The Worship and Music Committee continually looks for ways to make our worship even more meaningful and beautiful. Prior to each major season of the church year we hold meetings open to all to gather ideas on how to improve our worship life together. We contribute ideas and preferences used to plan each liturgical season. Planning includes ideas and input for everything from Christmas tree decorations to the Lenten Midweek Service theme.
YOUTH MINISTRY COMMITTEE — The Youth Ministry Committee works to establish and maintain an inviting, safe and fun environment of the youth of Saint Andrew’s, where the gospel is shared, faith is nurtured, service to the community is encouraged, and youth are integrated into the whole life of the congregation. The committee is comprised of adult leaders who represent each of the youth groups, the youth representative to the Congregation Council and the Director of Youth Ministries.