Be sure to visit the calendar for a complete schedule of services, meetings, events and more.
Sunday Church School
All children ages 2 through 5 th grade are invited to join our Sunday Church School classes which are held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. The SCS office is located on the lower level near the narthex stairs. The 2-year-old class meets in the Church Nursery. All other classes are downstairs.
Affirmation of Baptism/Confirmation
6 th Graders meets with Matt Scott in E-3 for “Bible 101.” 7 th and 8 th Graders: “Old Testament Survey” with David Francis meets in E-1; “Ministry of Service” with Heidi Francis meets in E-2; and “Martin Luther” with Carrie Tollefson, Joel Tollefson, Darcy Johnson and Dan Johnson meets in the east end of the Youth Room.
The 10 Spot
First Sunday of classes; September 25 10:00 a.m.
Our High School Bible Class meets in the Youth Room at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday Mornings with Elizabeth Rawlings, Director of Youth Ministries. This fall we begin with a look at the “End Times” craze which is sweeping the nation. We’ll be watching bits of movies and shows which talk about the end of times, discussing where this theology come from, and reading the often misunderstood book of Revelation. Join us as we wade through the myths of the second coming of Christ and search for the truth in it all.
Sunday, October 2, 9, 16, and 23
How to Pick a College
Facilitators: Dr Jeremy Stringer and Dr Eric Godfrey
This four-week series is designed for members of Saint Andrew’s who are contemplating college in the near future. Important for high school students and their parents, it will also be of interest to adult members of the congregation who are contemplating a return to school. There will be presentations on financing college, with an emphasis on financial aid, as well as the choices of four-year colleges and universities, community college and on-line learning. If you are a parent, this is the class for you! It is never too early to begin planning for the college years of your children.
October 2–The College Search Process
October 9–College Financial Aid
October 16–Public and Private Universities
October 23–Open Conversation about College Admission and Financial Aid. Bring your questions!
Sunday, October 2, 9, and 16
Faith Stepping Stones for Parents of 3rd Graders
Facilitators: Donna Schroeter and Lois Nelson
Sessions will include understanding the mid-elementary child, with their specific age-level development and information on ways to bring faith experiences into everyday family life. There will also be a parent-child workshop on Sunday, October 9, using the Bibles which are presented to the students during the 8:30 a.m. worship service as a gift of the Faith Stepping Stones ministry on behalf of the congregation.
Sunday, October 2, 9, and 16
Health and Healing Presents…
Several times each year, our Health and Healing Ministry presents a series of presentations which help us focus on our personal health and the health of our families. The theme for the fall Health and Healing classes will be Heart Health.
…on Sunday, October 9
Heart Health and Nutrition
Peggy Swistak, also a member of Saint Andrew’s, will present a variety of information on nutrition geared toward heart health. Peggy serves as Wellness Dietitian at Overlake Hospital and is the consulting Nutritionist for the Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Health Kits
Given the unprecedented nature of Hurricane Katrina, Lutheran World Relief who focuses on emergency responses overseas, felt it appropriate to make an exception and will be sending health kits to the Lutheran Disaster Response staging area in Jackson, Mississippi. Join hands with the Health and Healing Ministry to provide Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief…gifts of hope and comfort for children, men and women who have lost so much. Lists of needed items are available in the Narthex and your donations can be placed in the designated barrel.
Sock It To The Homeless!
In the name of Christ, Operation Nightwatch serves the night community of homeless people in Seattle . For three Sunday mornings in October, Saint Andrew’s will be collecting white socks and foot care products to be delivered to Night Watch on Sunday, October 23 for their “Sock it to the Homeless Day!” which last year brought in over 6,000 pairs of socks! Drop your donations in the designated container in the Narthex beginning October 9. Thanks for caring enough to share from your abundance with those who struggle to have the basics .
Hot Meal Program – Thanksgiving Dinner
On Thursday, November 24 families and friends of Saint Andrew’s will be cooking, serving, and sharing a Thanksgiving dinner for our Hot Meal Program. We will need lots of volunteers again this year to help prepare the food (turkey, potatoes & gravy, vegetable, rolls, pies), serve the people (meal starts at 5:30 p.m.) and help with set up/decorating and cleanup. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to give thanks to God by serving those less fortunate than us…those who have nobody to spend Thanksgiving with…those for whom an empty stomach is a fact of life. Call Jen Casey at 360-805-5222 or Connie McConnell at the church office if you can help and watch the Narthex for signup sheets.
Emergency Feeding Program
October is Tuna Time! The Emergency Feeding Program is collecting 6 oz. cans of tuna in spring water or a $15 donation will buy a whole case of tuna to provide a valuable source of protein for homeless children. Please place your donations in the marked container in the Narthex. Thank you for helping your neighbors in need!
Oktoberfest Celebration – October 29th
What do aschuhplattl, lederhosen, dirndl, accordion music, polka, yodel, and bratwurst & kraut have in common? They’re a few of the ingredients we’re using to cook up an incredibly fun Oktoberfest celebration. We’ll enjoy the schuhplattl (German slap dancing) performed by our very own Todd & Sara Carmichael and friends dressed in traditional lederhosen and dirndl. Bring the whole family and come ready to learn to dance the polka to accordion music, enjoy a traditional German meal, and have a lot of fun and fellowship! You won’t want to miss this! Mark your calendars for
Saturday, October 29 from 5:00-7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for Oktoberfest.
Tickets are $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family and can be purchased in the Narthex.
Saint Andrew’s Stampers
Kelley Mannon leads a small group that helps provide the staff with cards that are hand-made by creative members of our congregation. It’s a flexible group, so you can either bring your own supplies and make your own designs, or pay a fee and Kelley will have supplies and designs ready for you to assemble.
Our next gathering is planned for Saturday,
October 22nd from 9 :30-11: 00 a.m. in the Conference Room. Don’t miss the fun & fellowship! Interested participants must sign up in the narthex!
…on Sunday, October 16
Introduction to “Walk to Jerusalem”
This unique exercise program includes benefits to the body, mind and spirit. It will begin on January 1st and end during Holy Week. As you take up a commitment to walk for your health, you will be keeping track of how far you walk. Each of the participants will do the same. The goal is for all the participants to accumulate the amount of miles to “walk to Jerusalem.” Sign ups will take place during the fall and pedometers will be given to those who sign up first.
Sunday, October 23 and 30
Pastor’s Bible Study
Presenter: Pastor James N McEachran
Imagine being asked to go someplace you never wanted to go to share the good news! What would you do? Know about Jonah? His life was one of avoiding the call to “GO.” We will explore this very little Old Testament book from the vantage point of two children’s books on the Jonah Story. We will explore two questions: 1) What do we do if we don’t want to GO where God is calling us? 2) What does it mean to GO even if we don’t think we want to? In short, Jonah is a wonderful “type” of each one of us who struggle with our calling to witness to God’s good word that mercy follows where the Gospel is shared.
Sunday, October 23 and 30
Luther, the Movie
A DVD presentation
This film begins with Luther’s vow to become a monk and continues through his effort to spread religious freedom throughout Europe. Appalled by corrupt practices of the leading church officials, Luther wrote an angry essay entitled “95 Theses.” The document circulated throughout Europe, leading to an angry conflict with Catholic officials that threatened to tear the church in two. Starring Joseph Fiennes, the movie captures the historical setting and atmosphere of 16th century Germany and Italy. The film has been appreciated by people of all faiths.
Men’s Morning Bible Study
Tuesdays, 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
Church Library
Facilitator: Dave Marcrander
Men: Do not read this article! Unless you need a boost on Tuesday morning after a tough Monday at the office, golf course or whatever you do on Monday! The Men’s Bible Study is currently doing an extended study of Luther’s Catechisms. Please join us as we refresh and deepen our understanding of the basic tenets of our faith. After we conclude this study we should easily be able to answer the question, “So you are a Lutheran; what do you believe?”
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Conference Room
Presenter: Pastor James N McEachran
“The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.” Never a truer statement when it comes to the Letter to the Hebrews. Ever wonder about the sacrifices in the Temple and the sacrifice of Christ? Or, the meaning of the priesthood of Aaron (Moses’ brother) and the high priesthood of Christ? And who is Melchezidek? This 12-week series on Hebrews, taught by Pastor McEachran, will explore and unfold the great fulfillment of the Old Testament promises in the life and ministry of Jesus. Join Us!
Hannah’s Hands
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Conference Room
Facilitator: Connie McConnell
This Bible Study is perfect for women of any age looking for spiritual enrichment. Led by Connie McConnell , Associate in Ministry,our fall series will begin with a study of Keeping Company with Jesus. The great privilege-and the great difficulty-of Christian life is keeping company with Jesus in all times and in all situations. Author Jackie Smallbones illustrates this practice by revisiting Gospel stories of Jesus’ interaction with individuals dealing with terrible hardships. She draws from difficulties in today’s society and provides stories and discussion that lead to spiritual encouragement and a closer relationship with God. Books will be available the first day of class. Bring your Bible and join us for this special hour each week to tend to your spiritual growth. Call Connie McConnell at 425-0746 -2529 with any questions.
Wednesdays At The CHurch
OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH in discipleship and faith
A Disciple’s Journey
Facilitators: Dave Marcrander and Randy Schafer
This year’s study begins with a reading and discussion of Loaves, Fishes, and Leftovers: Sharing Faith’s Deep Questions by Ted Loder. The questions pondered in this book reflect the deep faith concerns many people experience yet they often go unanswered in the ordinary times of worship or Bible study. This book grew from a group discussion about questions such as: Why is there evil in the world? Does my prayer affect God’s response? The story of Jesus feeding the multitude is an appropriate metaphor for the process the group, led by the author, went through: it starts with hungry people, uses the resources available, and ends with leftovers for further exploration. The book is an invitation to be honest about our deepest questions and to embrace the mysteries of faith rather than the comfort of certainties.
Women Over Fifty (WOF)
Facilitator: Judy Thiel
The theme for this year will be: Memoirs & Milestones. The fall series will study Sara and Eleanor by Jan Pottker. In her groundbreaking new book, biographer Jan Pottker sifts through diaries, letters, and interviews with Roosevelt family and friend to bring us the first authentic portrait of Sara and Eleanor. The result is a triumphant blend of social history and psychological insight—a revealing look at Eleanor Roosevelt and the woman who made her historic achievements possible.All women who are 50+ or turning 50 this year are invited to join this weekly book study group for a time of fun, sharing and fellowship.
This We Believe
October 5, 12 , and 19 (3 Sessions)
Facilitator: Connie McConnell
This three-week class will use the book, Baptized We Live, by Pastor Dan Erlander. This local author provides a unique look at what Lutheran Christianity is…and how we, as Lutherans, understand the Cross, Sacraments and liturgy. It briefly covers the life of Martin Luther, what he believed, and how we now follow Christ in our daily lives. Pastor Erlander not only wrote the text, but printed it by hand and has drawn delightful illustrations to make this a most interesting study of our Lutheran roots. For cradle Lutherans, it is a delightful way to remind ourselves of who we are and why…and is strongly recommended for those seeking membership.
Saint Andrew’s Model of Ministry
October 26 and November 2Facilitators: Pastor James N McEachran and Connie McConnell
This class serves as an orientation for new members, but can be a helpful refresher for those who are currently members. During these two sessions, Pastor McEachran, Congregation Council representatives, and Saint Andrew’s staff members will provide information about the various ministries at Saint Andrew’s along with an opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have. We will conclude with a brief orientation with Connie McConnell , Associate in Ministry.
A Look at Jonah
November 9 and 16
Presenter: Pastor James N McEachran
If you are usually teaching on a Sunday morning, or unavailable during the education hour, here is your mid-week opportunity for Bible Study. Pastor McEachran will be repeating his class on the book of Jonah. Imagine being asked to go someplace you never wanted to go to share the good news! What would you do? Know about Jonah? His life was one of avoiding the call to “GO.” We will explore this very little Old Testament book from the vantage point of two children’s books on the Jonah Story. We will explore two questions: 1) What do we do if we don’t want to GO where God is calling us? 2) What does it mean to GO even if we don’t think we want to? In short, Jonah is a wonderful “type” of each one of us who struggle with our calling to witness to God’s good word that mercy follows where the Gospel is shared.
Faith Stepping Stones
The 2005-2006 schedule for Sunday Sessions at 10:00 am
Coordinators: Donna Schroeter and Lois Nelson
For Parents of Third Graders October 2, 9 and 16
presentation of Bibles on October 9 at the 8:30 am worship service
For Parents of High School Seniors November 6, 13 , and 20
presentation of quilts on June 11 at the 11:00 am worship service
For Parents of 2-year-old Toddlers January 8, 15 , and 22
presentation of Prayer Pillows on January 22 at the 11:00 am worship service
For Parents of Kindergarten Children January 29, February 5 and 12
presentation of Bibles on February 12 at the 11:00 am worship service
For Parents of Eighth Graders March 12, 19 , and 26
presentation of Catechisms on June 4 at the 8:30 am worship service
For Parents of Fifth Graders May 7, 14 , and 21
presentation of Study Bibles on May 14 at the 8:30 am worship service
WHEN: November 11 – 12
SPEAKER: David Ellingson
Pastor and Professor in Youth and Family Ministry
at Trinity Lutheran College
THEME: Men’s Spirituality through Everyday Practices
WHERE: Country Inn, LaConner
If you have sent in your registration and payment for our retreat, watch for a mailing with pertinent information and driving directions coming soon. If you want to carpool, please contact Dave Marcrander.
The VOICE, our monthly newsletter is now available online. You need to have Adobe Reader 5.0 or higher to access the file. If you need to download Adobe Reader, click here.
Open The VOICE here, or the Youth Ministry newsletter here.